Cinderella vom Cotonfeeling got Excellent 1, CAC in Juniorclass and best Junior.
Big congrats and many thanks to her owner Jacqueline!
Enyo vom Cotonfeeling 6 months old got on saturday very promising place 1. At last he was BIS puppy!
On Sunday he got again very promising place 1 and was BIS puppy place 3!
Thank you very much to Enyo`s owner Else.
Cinderella from Cotonfeeling got Excellent 1 in Juniorclass, Junior CAC and Best Junior.
Big thanks you to Cinderella`s owner Jacqueline!
Zaphira vom Cotonfeeling was shown in Wenden-Hünsborn (Germany)
She got Excellent 1, Junior CAC.
Thank you very much to the owners of Zaphira Gabriele, Margit und Gabor!
Enyo vom Cotonfeeling started in Babyclass and got very promising 1 and Best Baby.
Thank you Else!
Zaphira vom Cotonfeeling only 17 months old started already in Open Class, she got Excellent 3 and was 3 rd best female from all Coton females at this show.
Thank you Sandie!
Umbrella vom Cotonfeeling got CAC in Open Class, CACIB and got the title "VDH European-Winner"!
Many thanks to her owners!
Zaga vom Cotonfeeling, 14 month old started in Junior class and got CAC, she was best female and Best of Breed (BOB)!
Big thanks to Zaga`s owner Sandie!
We are very happy and proud!